About Us

Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital

Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital is a subsidiary of Groupe Santé Sedna, a private Canadian corporation owned by DomusVi. Groupe Santé Sedna was founded in 1992 and has become, over time, the leader in Quebec in the provision of health care and services in partnership with the State. The organization is exclusively dedicated, through its subsidiaries, to the delivery of health care and services, mainly in partnership with the public health sector ( www.groupesedna.ca ).

Its field of expertise, in the care of the elderly, is expressed through its subsidiaries, which are: Groupe Champlain, Villa Medica, Accès Services Santé and Groupe Santé Valeo. Groupe Santé Sedna is therefore: 18 CHSLDs totaling 1,800 beds, 142 intensive functional rehabilitation beds and a placed workforce corresponding to approximately 800 employees and 159 adapted accommodation beds. organigramme21