Customer base
In partnership with the CHUM and the Entraide Grands Brûlés organization, Villa Medica forms the Center of Expertise for Serious Burn Victims in Western Quebec . It is the only rehabilitation center in the metropolitan area that offers rehabilitation services to people who have suffered serious burns.
The expertise of its team of professionals is recognized throughout the hospital environment, which calls on their knowledge as needed. The Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital acts as a referral center.
Always with the aim of better serving people registered in the severe burns program, the interdisciplinary team is on the lookout for the latest techniques and advances in intervention methods in order to facilitate and promote the social reintegration of the patient. user.
Serious burn victims require special care, including pain relief, various medical complications that arise from burns, tissue healing and the possibility of numerous surgical interventions. Consideration should also be given to compression garments and rest orthoses. The team’s primary objective is to bring the person to be functional enough to regain an optimal level of autonomy.
Upon arrival at Villa Medica, the user is taken care of by the interdisciplinary team which sees, among other things, to:
- assess the general condition of the user
- develop a specific intervention and rehabilitation program that meets their needs based on their limits and expectations, in collaboration with the user and their loved ones
- support the user and the members of his family in the rehabilitation process
- provide psychological assistance to the user and his family members
- provide appropriate and specialized care (medication, wounds, scars, bandages, etc.)
- teach new health behaviors
- plan the leave
- take the necessary steps in terms of accommodation, participation in assistance programs, financing, etc.
- communicate with the appropriate resources in the health network
- provide outpatient follow-up at the Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital
The user is at the center of the rehabilitation process. Their participation is therefore desired and even necessary, which is why they are encouraged to get involved in decisions concerning their treatment. Rehabilitation is a dynamic process that follows the evolution of the user’s condition, his achievements and his abilities.
The burn program team brings together the expertise of responders in:
- occupational therapy
- Driving Assessment and Rehabilitation
- Medicine
- Neurology
- Neuropsychology
- Clinical nutrition
- Speech therapy
- Pharmacy
- Physiatry
- Physiotherapy
- Psychology
- Psychiatry
- Social service
- spiritual service
- Medical care
Click here to find out about the many activities available to users during their rehabilitation stay at Villa Medica, whether practiced for therapeutic or recreational purposes.
Discharge and follow-up
When the user is discharged from Villa Medica, the interdisciplinary team ensures his follow-up in rehabilitation in an outpatient clinic at Villa Medica, for the total duration of his rehabilitation.
- Work reintegration – Together, we contribute to the return of our colleagues and employees following a burn.mp4 (in collaboration with McGill University)
- With English subtitles
- Caring for burn survivors : a quick guide for family physicians
The MacHAND performance assessment is a standardized hand function measure specifically aiming to evaluate patient’s ability to conduct daily function tasks with their hand. This evaluation is aimed to be used with individuals 16 years old and up who present with any type of hand injury, condition, or impairment. The MPA was originally created by occupational therapists in Ontario and an updated version (MPA 2.0) was then created by Zoë Edger-Lacoursière MSc OT (erg.), PhD(c), Dr. Bernadette Nedelec BSc OT, PhD, and the burn rehabilitation clinical team at Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital in Montreal. This same team then created the French-Canadian version of this measure (MPA 2.0 FR) and created a new, English and French short form (MPA-S and MPA-SF). These 4 versions of the instructions and scoring manuals are available here and on McGill’s website and instructional videos on how to use the measures are on McGill’s YouTube channel and in a URL link on this page. If you have any questions on how to use these measures, please feel free to contact Zoë Edger-Lacoursière at or Dr. Bernadette Nedelec at
- Here is a list of useful links for MacHAND :
– Video : MacHAND Performance Assessment (MPA) 2.0 Instructions and Scoring Manual
– Video : MacHAND Performance Assessment Short Form (MPA-S) Instructions and Scoring Manual
– Document MacHAND Performance Assessment 2.0
– Document MacHAND Performance Assessment Short Form