Gregory Foundation

Denise Grégoire, pioneer nurse in rehabilitation

Mrs. Denise Grégoire, Director of Nursing at the Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital for 25 years, imagined and defined the role of the nurse in a rehabilitation hospital. Faithful to the ethics of her profession in rehabilitation, with diplomacy and tenacity, she put forward the multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation and demonstrated its validity.

What will happen to your donation to the foundation?

The Grégoire Foundation promotes the advancement of rehabilitation science and care. Your donation will support one of the following activities:

  • Since 1990, the Denise Grégoire Bursary has provided financial assistance to the clinical staff of the Villa Medica Rehabilitation Hospital wishing to acquire new knowledge in rehabilitation.
  • Théâtre Aphasique is a non-profit organization focused on the rehabilitation and social reintegration of people with aphasia through drama.

Make a donation

To make a donation, please make a check payable to Fondation Grégoire Villa Medica and send it to the following address:

Gregoire Villa Medica Foundation
225 Sherbrooke Street East
Montreal, QC
H2X 1C9

Please specify your name, postal address and telephone number so that an official receipt can be issued to you (no. 0864371-21).

Ms. Hazel Lefebvre
President of the Grégoire Villa Medica Foundation

Alexandra Dijoux
514-288-8201, extension 4260